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Application > Life Sciences - Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry is the quantitative analysis of cells and cell systems - measuring things like cell size, the number of cells, cell shape, and structure, types of proteins etc. Flow cytometry uses a fluid suspension, commonly known as sheath fluid, to analyze individual cells and simultaneously measure multiple parameters of each individual cell. Thousands of cells per second can be analyzed as they pass through the liquid suspension. This allows researchers to generate large datasets from samples can be small and limiting.

The purpose of the optical system is to illuminate the cells or particles present in the sheath fluid using lasers. Lasers are used in flow cytometers because of two main reasons - lasers are coherent and monochromatic sources of light. This means that a very narrow wavelength can be specified and the light output will always be in phase. These two properties of lasers are critical for flow cytometry. The sheath fluid flows at a high stream velocity, therefore it is critical that the laser illumination spot be very small and focused, to illuminate a cell or particle.

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Another reason for using lasers is that their output power, which essentially measures of how many photons are output per unit time, is usually adjustable. Flow cytometer lasers typical range in power from 20mW to 100mW. plasma allowing for the smaller footprint of cytometers, low power requirements, and short warm-up periods.

The most common wavelengths of lasers used in flow cytometry are 355 nm, 375 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm. The lasing medium in these lasers is solid, as opposed to a gas or plasma allowing for the smaller footprint of cytometers, low power requirements, and short warm-up periods.

When the laser of a specific wavelengths strikes a cell, the light is either reflected by the cell or it is absorbed. Depending on the response to the laser, various properties of the cell can be analyzed. Laser light reflected from a cell can either follow a forward scatter or a side scatter. Forward scattered (FSC) light is refracted by a cell in the same direction that the light was originally traveling. Side scattered (SSC) light is refracted by cells in a direction that is different from the original light path

If a cell has fluorescent properties or is "tagged" with fluorescent dyes, when laser light is shown on them, they absorb the energy of the light and "fluoresce" at a higher wavelength. E.g. fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is a dye that efficiently absorbs light from a blue (488nm) laser and produces a green (525nm) emission while phycoerythrin (PE) also absorbs light from a blue (488nm) laser but produces an orange (575nm) emission.

Flow Cytometry Lasers

Product Wavelength Description Starting At In Stock
405 nm

Best Seller!

405 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
50 - 10000 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

532 nm DPSS Laser System
5 - 300 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

473 nm DPSS Laser System
5 - 100 mW Output Power

635 nm

Best Seller!

635 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 500 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

473 nm DPSS Laser System
200 - 500 mW Output Power

635 nm

Best Seller!

635 nm Collimated Diode Laser System with Near-TEM00 Beam
5 - 200 mW Output Power

640 nm

Best Seller!

640 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 200 mW Output Power

633 nm633 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 80 mW Output Power

561 nmFanless 561 nm DPSS Laser System
5 - 200 mW Output Power

593.5 nm593.5 nm DPSS Laser System
5 - 30 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

Fanless Fanless 532 nm DPSS Laser System
500 - 1000 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

Environmentally Sealed 473 nm DPSS Laser System
10 - 100 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

Environmentally Sealed 532 nm DPSS Laser System
10 - 300 mW Output Power

405 nm

Best Seller!

405 nm Collimated Diode Laser System with TEM00 Beam
10 - 40 mW Output Power

405 nm

Best Seller!

405 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
30 - 50 mW Output Power

488 nm488 nm Collimated Diode Laser System with Near-TEM00 Beam
30 - 160 mW Output Power

633 nm633 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 30 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

Fanless 473 nm DPSS Laser System
5 - 500 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

532 nm DPSS Laser System
2000 mW Output Power

635 nm

Best Seller!

635 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
3000 - 6000 mW Output Power

589 nm

Best Seller!

589 nm DPSS Laser System
10 - 50 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

532 nm DPSS Laser System
3000 - 5000 mW Output Power

593.5 nm593.5 nm DPSS Laser System
50 - 100 mW Output Power

640 nm

Best Seller!

640 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
1000 - 1000 mW Output Power

589 nm

Best Seller!

589 nm DPSS Laser System
100 - 300 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

473 nm DPSS Laser System
800 - 1500 mW Output Power

532 nm

Best Seller!

532 nm DPSS Laser System
8000 - 20000 mW Output Power

589 nm

Best Seller!

589 nm DPSS Laser System
500 - 500 mW Output Power

589 nm

Best Seller!

Environmentally Sealed 589 nm DPSS Laser System
- mW Output Power

488 nm488 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
200 - 1800 mW Output Power

375 nm375 nm Collimated Diode Laser System with Near-TEM00 Beam
5 - 50 mW Output Power

355 nm355 nm DPSS Laser System
1 - 10 mW Output Power

593.5 nm593.5 nm DPSS Laser System
200 - 300 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

473 nm DPSS Laser System

375 nm375 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
100 - 150 mW Output Power

593.5 nm593.5 nm DPSS Laser System
500 - 800 mW Output Power

488 nm488 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 80 mW Output Power

589 nm

Best Seller!

589 nm DPSS Laser System
1000 - 3000 mW Output Power

561 nm561 nm DPSS Laser System
1500 - 2000 mW Output Power

375 nm375 nm Collimated Diode Laser System
5 - 20 mW Output Power

473 nm

Best Seller!

473 nm DPSS Laser System
- mW Output Power


Research Papers That Have Used Laserglow Products

Here are a list of research papers that reference Laserglow Technologies products in their Flow Cytometry.

Research Papers

Paper Title Date Published University Product Used In Research
Nitroxide radical-modified CuS nanoparticles for CT/MRI imaging-guided NIR-II laser responsive photothermal cancer therapy July 2018 Medical School of Nanjing University 1177 nm
A stochastic assembly model for Nipah virus revealed by super-resolution microscopy August 2018 A stochastic assembly model for Nipah virus revealed by super-resolution microscopy 496 nm
Polymer-based gadolinium oxide nanocomposites for FL/MR/PA imaging guided and photothermal/photodynamic combined anti-tumor therapy March 2018 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Drug Delivery & High-Efficiency, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tianjin University 496 nm
Super-resolution three-dimensional fluorescence and optical diffraction tomography of live cells using structured illumination generated by a digital micromirror device January 2018 Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 532 nm
All-in-One Theranostic Nanoplatform Based on Hollow MoSx for Photothermally-maneuvered Oxygen Self-enriched Photodynamic Therapy January 2018 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Drug Delivery & High-Efficiency, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 670 nm
The synthesis and biological applications of photo-activated ruthenium anticancer drugs December 2017 Leiden Universty 496 nm

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